Science Workshop “Urban Quality of Life and the Build4People Citizen Science App” at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

Serey SOK (1)
(1) , Cambodia


The Science Workshop “Urban Quality of Life and the Build4People Citizen Science APP” jointly prepared and implemented by the Build4People Work Packages “Behaviour Change,” “Urban Green Infrastructures,” and “Sustainable Urban Transformation” took place at the CKCC (Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh on 4 December 2024. The workshop’s main objective was to link the Build4People project’s overarching theme, research, and enhancement of urban quality of Life in Phnom Penh with the B4P Citizen Science App. The App and its details are available at id6478510837 and and at the Google Playstore, as well.

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Serey SOK
SOK, S. (2024). Science Workshop “Urban Quality of Life and the Build4People Citizen Science App” at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Insight: Cambodia Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 6(2), -.

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