Book Review. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice. 8th Edition. By Paul E. Spector. John Wiley & Sons, 2021. 416 pp. Price: $75.95 (Paperback) and $67.00 (eBook).
Psychology refers to the study of human behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists employ a range of evidence-based practices and methods to understand and respond to complex social problems. They may work within family and community contexts, at schools, in clinical settings, as well as in the workforce (Riggio, 2018; Gruman, Schneider, & Coutts, 2017; Spector, 2017; Norcross, VandenBos, Freedheim, & Krishnamurthy, 2016). Currently, there are 54 divisions of the American Psychological Association, representing different sub-disciplines (APA, 2021). The 14th division is known as the Society
for Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology, which covers practice in all types of organizational and workplace settings. The division focuses on skills assessment, leadership development, staff management, teamwork, occupational health and safety, diversity in the workplace, and work-life balance.